Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mothers Day

First thing in the morning I was in my yard planting Hostas and Zinnias. Then it was time to get ready to go to my mother in laws . Where all of my husbands family meets for Mothers Day. She has six children (my husband being the oldest) so it is a large gathering. They were not all there when we left as it is an all day thing. In and out.

I didn't get to visit with my mother as she lives in Florida. But we did get a nice couple hour visit on the phone.

My oldest son Mike and his daughter Baileah (almost 13) don't live close by either. But once again I did get to talk to them on the phone.

I thank the Good Lord my youngest Will and his beautiful wife Tiffany and their adorable daughter ( the apple of my and her PaPa's eye) do. This picture is of them at my house on Mothers Day. They gave me that lovely yellow rose you see in the other pictures. I can't wait to get it in the yard. I am sure you will be seeing more pictures of it during this summer season.

Then my husband Lyndsey took us all out for dinner. It is always good when we can get together.

Well that is all for today thank you for stopping by.

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