Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vintage Hunting

My friend Judy and myself love to go "Junking." (one mans trash is another mans treasure) We are on the hunt for vintage finds. We are looking for, you name it and we are looking for it. The main thing I am looking for is tea pots and tea cups.
This Christmas past we girls went to a local tea room for lunch as our Christmas get together. When we entered the front door there was a Christmas tree with tea pots as decorations. I have since been on the hunt for tea pots for my own Christmas tree for this year. And I might say I am doing quite well. I will be sure to post pictures this Christmas season.
I also love to find pottery, yellow ware, depression glass, (mainly pink) crystal, candle holders. Who am I kidding? I love it all. I love the hunt. I will be sharing some of our finds from time to time. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
This picture is of the tea pots I have found so far this year. The top pictures are of my collection I have that I will pick from this Christmas. Plus any more that I might find before this Christmas.
I am so glad it is spring and soon to be summer I truly am not trying to rush time. It goes quickly enough without my help.
Thank you for stopping by I hope to talk to you tommorrow.

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