Friday, July 3, 2009

Julys flowers

Today I am going to show you some of my late June and july flowers. We don't get a whole lot of rain this time of year so my flowers start to look a little rough from here to September. I don't spend as much time as I should with them because when it gets around 90 to 95 degrees I stay in side to sew. You will be seeing more sewing projects for a while.

The first picture is of some of the begonias in my backyard. I have already shown the ones in the front.

Then there is one of a tomato that has ripened. Yeah, I like tomato sandwiches from fresh tomatoes.

Then there is my purple cone flowers. They come back each year and this year I planted Dianthias with them and they will come back year after year.

Then comes the pink lilies. Lots and lots of lilies. 8 pots of lilies. When they are all in bloom they are such a beautiful sight. I moved them this year and they didn't do as well. I may put them back next year.

Next there are 4 of my butterfly bush. Why I am sharing these are it was quite funny to me to see the bee and no butterflies. Go figure.

The last but not least is one of my glads. I have several pots of these also.

As you have already figured out I have most of my plants in pots. So much easier for me to take care of.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed my hot weather flowers.

Until next time, Carol

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