Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Swap

I belong to a group of very talented and friendly ladies. Etsy Cottage Style. Debbie who is in charge is the lady who designed my blog. Another one of the ladies Char started a summer swap and I joined. Char assigned Pam as my partner.We had to swap three things, one a beach scene,one a floral,and one a bird nest. One thing had to be made the others could be bought.

For the beach theme Pam sent me a bag with a Victorian man and woman at the beach. I sent her a box with a Victorian woman at the beach. It is nice to have a partner that thinks like you. I also added shells and trim. For the floral Pam hand embroidered a rose arbor for me with the tiniest stitches I have ever seen then she made a pillow for me with it. It is the perfect color for my house. I made a scalloped edged reversible table topper for her. For the bird nest she sent me 4 gift tags with bird nest on them she had made. I sent her a teacup with a bird nest in it.
On my side bar is a button for Etsy Cottage Style you can click on and see all the beautiful things they do . I know they would love to have you join in or even just drop by to see what new things are going on.
I want to thank Char for putting on such a good swap. Hope we can do it again soon.

Until next time Carol


  1. Oh my! You Ladies had a wonderful swap!!! Beautiful gifts!!! I sent mine a couple of days ago (kind of late!!)...hope Bev, my Partner likes it!

  2. Hello Carol, not only are your photos gorgeous and well done, the thread is beautiful. Thankyou for the kind words and for participating in this swap. You and your partner did a wonderful job. I would be proud to have any of you as a future partner, thanks again, Char
    I am going to follow your blog, it's wonderful. If you get a chance something, please check mine out at http://someplaceinthyme.blogspot.com

  3. thanks Carol, we love having you as a valued (and fun) member of Etsy Cottage style. This was a fun swap with tons of creativity by our members!

