Saturday, February 20, 2010

I have signed up for Cassandras ezine class at My Artful Adventures. These are her pictures. I haven't yet had the time to sit down and get mine done.
She gives very good directions. They are easy to follow and lots of pictures to help you along the way.
This class was for February and it was called Sugar and Spice. Looking at the pictures you can tell why.
The first one was faux cupcakes second was Conversation heart bracelet Third was Faux Chocolates and the box The last will be lollipops.
She post a different one every Tuesday of the month. She gives you a supply list ahead of time so you can be ready to start that day.
This Tuesday is the last one. She has already put up the one for March. It is called Pretty Spring Things. Over on my sidebar you will find a button that says Pretty Spring Things if you click on it you can go over to her blog and she will tell you all about it and how to sign up. She only charges 3 dollars a class. Where else can you take a class for 3 dollars?
Hope you have fun looking at all her pretties!
Until next time Carol

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thrusday

Over at Grace Alone, Iris's blog she is hosting Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful to have a savourier who was welling to die for my sins. Many don't.

I am thankful for a warm house to live in on these cold winter days. Many don't.

I am thankful for plenty to eat and not have to ask anyone for it. Many don't.

I am thankful for a Husband and children and grandchildren, and many family members who I love and love me back. Many don't.

I am thankful and blessed to have things to share. Many don't

We can all share the simple things. Things that cost us nothing but concern for others. Such as a smile to a stranger who looks down cast.

Here are a couple of things that you can do before you leave my site. Click on the puppy dog picture on my side bar and help feed rescued animals. Also click on the Breast Cancer button and give a free mammogram to someone who can't afford to get one. You my be the one who saves a life. Advertisers pay for these things for the right to advertise there. But you do not have to buy a thing to help. These things will cost you nothing but your time. Feel free to add them to your blog and have others help as well. I thank you so much for your help!

Also over at Mary's Vintage Comfort blog, she is having a March Green Themed Giveaway. For St. Patty's day. Go check it out and good luck. Checkout her out here

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just Waiting

It is snowing here again today. We had a ground covering. Nothing to write home about. But it is in the high 20's. Burrr. I don't go out in this weather. So I am taking the time to take some online art classes. (More about that later.) And also I am taking some time to rearrange my sewing room. As all of you who sew or do crafts, you know it dose not take long for things to get chaotic. So this is a perfect time to get this job done so when Spring gets here I can get out with the flowers. And head for the beach!

The picture is just a teaser of what is right around the corner. It truly want be long. The wait is worth it.

Until next time, Carol

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Winter Storm

This is the storm that hit us last Friday night. It is the one that started in the mid west and came all the way across. I do mean all the way across. Because you see we are 50 miles from Virginia Beach. You can't go any further than that with out being in the ocean.
These are pictures that I took around my area. The first one is right down the end of my road. There is a giant hill and there were older kids up on there. Why it caught my attention is I have never seen anyone up there before. It is so far away from where I took the picture that it may be hard to see but these kids are sledding down it. If you look in the center to the right you will see a white blur. That was one of them going over a mogul and soaring into the air as I took the picture. To cool! The next one I had to take it is a hoot. It is of two horses eating hay that was thrown out for them. You ask why is that a hoot. Well look under the white horses neck. Yeap, that's a goat sharing dinner with them. Now that's a hoot! Next is a little white country church that I think is just beautiful. The next one is of the Veterans Cemetery If you look in the center you will see a small tree. My husbands father is buried there. Isn't it pretty in the snow? The next one is of the lake behind our house. So pretty in snow. The next one is of a harvested cotton field. I love the way the snow shows off the rows. The next one shows you just how awful the roads got. They still haven't gotten to it with the plow and with budget cuts we way out of the city may not see one. Last but not lest here is a picture of my house in snow. The blue flower pots have pansies in them even though the snow has covered them. Don't worry pansy's love snow and cold weather that's why they are out there.
I hope you enjoyed scenes from our snow adventure. I hope I don't have any more of these to show you this year. But they are talking freezing rain and snow tonight through Friday. Please pray we don't get it. I know to some of you I sound like I am whining because 7 inches of snow is nothing to what you got. But you have to understand we are far enough south to not get this often enough to know what to do with it. But even though it is pretty. It always amazes me the beautiful pictures our Lord can paint. I am so glad to share them with you.
Until next time .Carol

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sharing Quilting Skills

Today I am going to take some time and have some fun. One of my sons friends wants to learn to quilt. So we are going to play for awhile today. Hopefully she will pick up some skills and then we can do it again another day and then she can be off and running. We all know any talent is from the Lord but it is practice, practice, practice that makes it be what he wants it to be. And it truly is not yours until you give it away. I love these opportunities He gives us!

So I will be busy today. But I will try to get back and do some visiting with you girls later today.

Have a good day and until next time. Carol

Monday, February 1, 2010

Blue Monday

This is Blue Monday. There is a bluebird on my side bar. Please click on it and it will send you to Smiling Sally's blog. She is hosting blue Monday. There are a lot of people who have signed up to show you there blue pretties. Click on their names and you will go to their blog. Please don't forget to leave me and all the gals a comment. We really love to hear your comments.
These are the pictures of my blue pretties. The first one is of some blue lace appliques that I make and sell in my Etsy shop Country Cottage Friend. Next is a wall hanging of a aqua blue tea pot and tea cup. That I embroidered and quilted. It is for sale in my Etsy shop Heirlooms for you. Next is one of my loved teacups. It is Royal Albert bone China. Made in England. The name of the pattern is Enchantment. I found it in one of my favorite shops that I go to to get things for my Etsy shop, My Vintage Shop. But I couldn't bear to part with this one. So it sits on my roll top desk.
If you are interested in looking at my etsy shops I have a section on my side bar you can click on each shop and be right there.
I hope you enjoy this Blue Monday. Blue Monday doesn't always have to be a sad thing.
Thank you for stopping by until next time. Carol