Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thrusday

Over at Grace Alone, Iris's blog she is hosting Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful to have a savourier who was welling to die for my sins. Many don't.

I am thankful for a warm house to live in on these cold winter days. Many don't.

I am thankful for plenty to eat and not have to ask anyone for it. Many don't.

I am thankful for a Husband and children and grandchildren, and many family members who I love and love me back. Many don't.

I am thankful and blessed to have things to share. Many don't

We can all share the simple things. Things that cost us nothing but concern for others. Such as a smile to a stranger who looks down cast.

Here are a couple of things that you can do before you leave my site. Click on the puppy dog picture on my side bar and help feed rescued animals. Also click on the Breast Cancer button and give a free mammogram to someone who can't afford to get one. You my be the one who saves a life. Advertisers pay for these things for the right to advertise there. But you do not have to buy a thing to help. These things will cost you nothing but your time. Feel free to add them to your blog and have others help as well. I thank you so much for your help!

Also over at Mary's Vintage Comfort blog, she is having a March Green Themed Giveaway. For St. Patty's day. Go check it out and good luck. Checkout her out here


  1. I like your thankful list! How wonderful that you think of the rescue animals and breast cancer. I have a sister-in-law that is fighting an aggressive breast cancer right now. I am thankful for your blog. :)

  2. That is a wonderful list that we so often take for granted. Warmth of home and family are priceless.

    yoli :)

  3. You have an awesome heart, be blessed.

  4. I enjoyed reading your thankful list- being thankful for our warm homes and love of family- I'm with you there!!:) Thanks for stopping by my place today-- come by anytime!!

    Happy TT!
    Linda C

  5. G'eve Carol ~ Enjoyed your warm list of thanks.

    Did I mention to you that we are gathering our blog ladies in April for meeting one another for lunch & chatting?
    If you might be interested ~

    Happy Valentine's
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon

  6. What a great list -- we can all be thankful for most of those things. God is SO good and if we have Him, we are never alone. I'm so thankful for that!! :)


  7. Awesome list and thanking the One with you, Who deserved all our praises and thanks...God bless and thank you for always encouraging me as well. Have a great weekend.

  8. Thanks so much for coming over and entering my giveaway and leaving your sweet comment. I wish you would say hi more often. I do love making new friends! Its a wonderful thing to be able to share our passions and our sorrows with so many like minded women. I feel like I have friends all over the world and I am happy to count you a new friend as well.. Have a wonderful weekend!!

    My Desert Cottage

  9. What a lovely post. It brings joy to the heart, thankyou so much for the inspiration, Char
