Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Even the small things

Acts 16:12-15

We who are already worshipers of God sometimes need a little quite time to remember God is in the little things of life.

We go about our lives as believers talking and trusting the Lord but sometimes forget to remember to do the small things unto the Lord. Such as the dishes at night. How many times do I just thank him for nice dishes to feed my family from. To remember it is a privilege to be able to do the dishes as worship to Him.

What a great privilege to have our great and awesome God to watch over our small things in life. I will strive to remember to always be thankful for the small things that sometimes seems as things I just have to do, with more thoughtfulness of Him. Not what He has done or given me but just thoughtfulness of Him!

Thank you for stopping by today. Until next time. Carol

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Been Tap Dancing

I am so sorry I have not been blogging very often. But I have been tap dancing around the house from this to that.

As I have told you before my husband retired this summer. We have redone the outside of our house. First we tore down our deck. Then went the picket fence around the backyard. We reworked the flower beds. And did a lot of rearranging.

We put up new shutters all the way around the house. Even the back because that is where we spend most of our time. We added a pergola and a new patio. We had the ugly plain concrete front sidewalk resurfaced. I have replaced all the summer begonias with the fall and winter Pansie's.

There are still some more things we want to do but they will have to wait for the spring. Time to take a break and enjoy what we have done. I didn't get before pictures but I will get some after and post them at a later time.

Thanks for visiting. Untill next time. Carol

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Wow, time is flying! Santa's visit really isn't far away the way time is flying.

I am participating in count down to Christmas match box swap. At Linda's A Swap For All Seasons. We are to decorate 25 match boxes and add a little gift inside. Then we mail them all back to Linda and she sorts them all out and sends every one 25 boxes each box made by a different person. She really has her work cut out for her. As there is 75 of us girls in the swap. 25 boxes x 75 ladies. Wow over whelming. She has been doing these swaps for a long time and is a pro at it though. This is my 3rd. one and love all that she has done. Thanks Linda for all the hard work!!

She has give aways all through each of her swaps. This time we are to put a picture of Santa on our blog to share with every one. So here is mine. What a friendly Santa he is , notice how He even has a kitty and puppy in his bag. How does He do that?

I hope you will check her blog out and go and visit all the different Santa's that will be showing up. A Swap For all Seasons.

Thank you for dropping by.Until next time. Carol