Sunday, October 17, 2010

Been Tap Dancing

I am so sorry I have not been blogging very often. But I have been tap dancing around the house from this to that.

As I have told you before my husband retired this summer. We have redone the outside of our house. First we tore down our deck. Then went the picket fence around the backyard. We reworked the flower beds. And did a lot of rearranging.

We put up new shutters all the way around the house. Even the back because that is where we spend most of our time. We added a pergola and a new patio. We had the ugly plain concrete front sidewalk resurfaced. I have replaced all the summer begonias with the fall and winter Pansie's.

There are still some more things we want to do but they will have to wait for the spring. Time to take a break and enjoy what we have done. I didn't get before pictures but I will get some after and post them at a later time.

Thanks for visiting. Untill next time. Carol

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