Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Free Mammograms Saves Lives.

Good morning, today I would like to talk to you about something near and dear to my heart!

Breast Cancer. As many of you know one of my dearest friends and next door neighbor lost her battle with breast cancer last spring. So I thought in her honor I would take a minute and bring you a simple invation to help other women.

The breast cancer site has a simple program any of us can do. It does not cost you a dime. Just a minute of your time. Hopefully everyday.

When you go to there site you will see a pink box that says Donate a Mammogram just click on it. It is free. They are having trouble getting people to click on everyday. So please put this in your Favs. so you can click on everyday to help .

They donate at least one free mammogram a day to underprivileged women. Their corporate sponsors/ advertises use the number of daily visits to donate mammograms in exchange for advertising.

How easy is that to be able to help someones mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend or neighbor.

Just remember it effects the whole family. So your help will being going to so many women. As women I feel it is very important to help each other out and there is no simpler way then this. We all have a minute a day to help someone else!

My photo is of an embroidery pattern that I use 3 pink ribbons weaving Hope and a little girl holding a pink ribbon with her hand up saying STOP breast cancer. And the little girl in the hat needs no explanation!!

Thank you for all you do. And I will say thank you for all the women you will be helping. Please don't forget to pass on this information!

Until tomorrow thank you again.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carol, I'd love to add your blog to our list, but please do me a favor and grab the blog button at, add it to your blog and link to us. If you need help doing this, please let me know and I'll help you. Also, leave me a message on the blog so I know you are ready to be added. We are having a challenge right know and we'd love for you to participate! Keep in touch,
