Monday, May 18, 2009

Victoria Austria

I couldn't believe it but while shopping in this nice little shop owned by two friends, I found this sweet set of dishes. They were hidden behind a sofa and you really had to look to see them. Thank goodness I did. Because they are Austrian made.

It is a place setting for 4 minus 2 teacups and 1 small bowl. They have a large covered serving bowl, a serving platter, a gravy boat and it's plate ( the handle on the gravy boat has been broken, but someone lovingly repaired it and you can hardly notice it now) there are 4 dinner plates, 4 luncheon plates, 3 small bowls, 4 cup saucers, 2 tea cups.

It is a red rose wreath pattern. It is fine china from Austria. It is such a good quality china as you can see in one of the pictures you can see my fingers and the pattern on the other side as I hold it up to the light.

The romantic side of me can envision a young women standing on a dock waiting for a ship with all her belongings. This set of china one of them. She is on her way to America to get married. This set of china is part of her dowry. She is on her way to a new and better life. But she is clinging to some of the finer things from her homeland. Her wedding china.

Thank you for stopping by I hope you enjoyed and we can meet again tomorrow.

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