Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Charming Chatter

I was checking out some blogs the other day and ran across this one. As you know I love to quilt. Well for any of you who feel the same way this site is for you.

Kelly has a online quilt shop. And on her blog she has Charming girls quilt club. You sign up by leaving her a comment on her blog telling her you would like to join in. What you do is by the 9th of the month you tell her what quilt projects you plan to finish that month and for everyone that we do finish she gives us a chance to win a $25.00 gift certificate from her shop. She gives away 2 a month. Which is cool but the site is mainly to help motivate us to finish those UFO'S we all have! Plus there are so many more things like an apron swap that is coming up and more. Please check it out.

I have just joined so I will be sending in next month which UFO'S I am going to finish. I am looking forward to the little push to help stop the procrastination. O, boy do I need this. So many projects not enough finished!
Click on the Charming Girls Quilt Club button on my sidebar to go to Kelly's blog. I know you will enjoy.
Until next time. Carol

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