Thursday, July 16, 2009


I told you yesterday how I joined Charming Girls Quilt Club. Well, Kelly tagged all the members yesterday. With 5 questions. So here are my answers. Please click on the quilt club tag on my side bar and see all the girls responses.

1 What is my favorite Fabric? I don't have a favorite designer but my favorite fabric would be any piece with roses. Especially pink roses. If I am at the store and I see rose material you can bet it is going home with me. Even if I have told the girls , "Now don't let me buy anymore fabric!"

2 The pattern I am most looking forward to sewing is? I just ordered and got in the mail this Five Inch Is a Cinch pattern called flower market. I love 5 inch charms. I think they are just the right size to show enough roses and yet be small enough to be able to add alot of different fabrics. I have it pictured at the top.
3 The food that is my weakness is? Well like all of us girls I love chocolate. But for me it is pastries. Add filling and top it with chocolate and I am ready to go! To me it doesn't get much better than that.
4 If I knew I couldn't fail I would? Open a house for women to come to that are on welfare to learn skills to help them be self sufficient. That could help raise the next generation to also be self sufficient.
5 The best "Life" advice I Know is? To trust the Lord for everything!
I hope you enjoy my answers. Until next time Carol

1 comment:

  1. Great answers. Love the quilt pattern -- and pink with roses -- well, you just can't go wrong there! Great idea and great advice. Thanks for sharing with us!
